Cara Membuat Halaman Elektronik Menggunakan FlipCreator V. - FlipCreator adalah suatu perangkat digital yang memungkinkan sobat untuk dapat membuat sebuah halaman yang bisa dibolak balik secara nyata. Halaman ini bisa berupa e-book, majalah, brosur, katalog, laporan, newsletter. Selain itu FlipCreator juga dapat mempublikasikan PDF beserta gambar ke penerbit elektronik.
FlipCreator could be a digital business software system that enables you to make realistic page-turning e-Publications as well as E-Book, E-Magazine, E-Brochures, E-Catalogs, E-Reports, E-Newsletters. Convert PDF and pictures to digital publications directly. Convert PDF and pictures to page flip publications directly. Import links and table of contents from PDF mechanically. Add/edit/delete videos, links, audios, flash animation and table of contents before business. we have a tendency to square measure the primary company to supply free app for iPad/iPhone and golem to look at your publications offline everywhere the globe. For a lot of detail concerning our free app FlipExplorer. we provide a clear evaluation policy with none hidden prices. you'll produce as several page-flip publications as you would like. therefore you'll keep business on-line publications forever with none current prices. produce unlimited publications. customise together with your own stigmatization. Support made media. Publish on iPad/iPhone. Host yourself. Integrate with Social network. Install on computer or mack.
Cara Membuat Halaman Elektronik Menggunakan FlipCreator V.
Dilarang berkomentar yang mengandung SARA, pornographic, penghinaan, dan memakai link aktif.